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Mid-Year Check-ins with Your Accountant Are Essential for Small Business Success

August 8th, 2024 | 3 min. read

By Matt Patrick

Mid-Year Check-ins with Your Accountant Are Essential for Small Business Success

The Challenges of Running a Small Business

Running a small business is no small feat, and no one knows that better than us. Just like you, we’re in the trenches every day, balancing the needs of our clients, managing our team, and navigating the ever-changing landscape of business. It’s a constant juggle, and we understand the stress that comes with it because we’re right there with you.

Understanding the Daily Struggles of Small Business Owners

The Relatable Experience of Balancing Client Needs and Business Management

Every small business owner knows the challenge of keeping all the plates spinning. Whether it's meeting client expectations, managing staff, or dealing with the financial side of things, the pressure never lets up.

Recognizing the Stress and Uncertainty in Business Operations

The uncertainty of whether you’re hitting your business goals, especially in today’s volatile economy, can be overwhelming. But you’re not alone in these concerns—we’re here to help.

Client Story: How We Helped Sarah Navigate Financial Uncertainty

Sarah’s Café: A Story of Passion and Concern

Let me share a story about one of our clients—let’s call her Sarah. Sarah runs a cozy neighborhood café, the kind of place where everyone knows your name and your favorite drink. She’s passionate about her business, pouring her heart into every detail, from the menu to the décor. But like any small business owner, Sarah can get S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!

Sarah’s Worries About Her Business Finances

Between keeping her customers happy and managing her staff, she found herself losing sleep over money in the bank, why her sales were inconsistent, rising costs, employees not showing up, you know all the normal things a business owner lays in bed worrying about.  She wasn’t sure if she was hitting the goals she’d set for the year, and with inflation and everything she has been hearing on the news, she had more questions than answers.

The Importance of Regular Check-ins Beyond Tax Season

When we reached out to Sarah about scheduling a mid-year meeting, she was hesitant at first. “I am so busy, and I just don't have the time?" But we know how important it is to check in regularly, so we encouraged her to take the time for a chat. When we finally sat down together, it became clear why these meetings are so vital.

Identifying Areas for Improvement and Growth

Analyzing Cash Flow for Better Financial Decisions

We started by talking about the goals Sarah had set at the beginning of the year—expanding her catering services and maybe even opening a second location. She was worried that she wasn’t where she needed to be, but as we went through her numbers, we were able to reassure her. 

Adapting to Economic Challenges with Strategic Adjustments

While she wasn't exactly on plan, there was a way to help get her back on track.  She had not raised her prices recently, and had slowed down her social media posting which had resulted in a slump in sales along with the rising costs were costing her but it was correctable.

Getting a Snapshot of Her Tax Standing

In addition to reviewing her finances, we took a deep dive into her current tax situation. It’s easy to let tax planning slip to the back burner when you’re focused on day-to-day operations, but staying on track with taxes is crucial for avoiding surprises come tax time. We ensured Sarah was up-to-date with her tax payments and helped her identify potential decisions and some timing of when to spend certain expenses so she could take advantage of them, which gave her peace of mind knowing she was on the right track.

Why Mid-Year Meetings Are Crucial

Taking the Time to Reevaluate Goals and Strategies

At Patrick Accounting,  just like you, we’re running a small business with all the challenges that come with it. We get that the day-to-day grind can make it hard to see the bigger picture, and that’s why these mid-year meetings are so important.

How Regular Check-ins Keep Your Business on Track

They’re a chance to step back, take stock, and make sure you’re on track to reach your goals. Whether it’s adjusting your cash flow, planning for the future, or finding the right technology to keep things running smoothly, we’re in this together.

Partnering with Patrick Accounting for Success

Our Commitment to Your Success

We’re not just here to crunch numbers; we’re here to support you, guide you, and help you navigate the complexities of running a business. So, let’s take some time to sit down, talk things through, and make sure your business is set up for success in the months ahead.

Let’s Schedule a Meeting to Secure Your Business’s Future

Because when you thrive, we thrive—and that’s what being in business together is all about.