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Patrick Accounting Blog

Leadership | Small Business Owner

3 Must-Read Books for Small Business Owners

September 15th, 2023|3 min read

Leadership | Tips

How do I provide a company vehicle for my employee?

May 11th, 2023|3 min read

Leadership | Small Business Owner | Management | Tips | Productivity

Owner Matthew Patrick Provides Tips To Help Business Owners Get Out Of Their Own Way

February 18th, 2021|4 min read

Leadership | Small Business Owner | Management

Company Values that Drive Culture

September 14th, 2020|1 min read

Leadership | Small Business Owner | Management | Productivity

How to Manage Yourself and Your Team When You are Constantly Pulled in a Million Directions

February 28th, 2020|2 min read

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Leadership | Small Business Owner | Management | Tips

Create a Winning Corporate Culture

January 24th, 2020|4 min read

Leadership | Small Business Owner | Management | Productivity | Customer Service

How to Thank Your Employees the Right Way

November 20th, 2018|2 min read

Goal Setting | Leadership | Small Business Owner

The Most Important Goal-Setting Question (and Why You Need to Answer It)

October 30th, 2018|3 min read

Goal Setting | Leadership | Small Business Owner

Using the Wheel of Life to Shape Your Goals (Part 2)

October 23rd, 2018|3 min read

Goal Setting | Leadership | Small Business Owner

Using the Wheel of Life to Shape Your Goals (Part 1)

October 16th, 2018|2 min read

Goal Setting | Leadership | Small Business Owner

Three Tools to Help You Crush Your Goals

October 9th, 2018|3 min read

Goal Setting | Leadership | Small Business Owner

Why You Should Stop Setting Goals

October 2nd, 2018|3 min read

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Goal Setting | Leadership | Small Business Owner | Productivity

How To Set And Achieve Kick-Butt Goals For Your Business & Your Life

July 24th, 2018|3 min read