How Your Bookkeeper Can Help Your Small Business Be More Profitable
February 6th, 2019 | 3 min. read
By Matt Patrick

This past Sunday, millions of people tuned in around the world to watch Super Bowl LIII. By now, it shouldn’t be a spoiler to let you know that the Patriots won (again), and quarterback Tom Brady will soon be fitted for ring number six. I like to say one for his other middle finger. Even if you’re not a Patriots fan, you have to admit that the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) wouldn’t be able to accomplish what he has without an incredible team right alongside him.
Tom is 41 (that’s scary as he is only a couple of years younger than me and I hurt sneezing). He has been with the same team for 19 seasons! And in spite of basically eating grass and kale, he still relies on the guys around him to help him do what he does best: Delivering win after win.
If you ask someone in the NFL what winning looks like, they’ll likely say “Super Bowl.” For small business winning is found in one word: profit.
Profit is the scoreboard for your entire business.
It’s what allows you to do everything else you want to with your business and enables you to enjoy the fruits of all of your hard work!
You probably aren’t going to ever play in the Super Bowl (sorry to burst your bubble). Shoot, most people will never be able to afford to even go! But, as a small business owner, every day is an opportunity to put the work in (much like athletes practice). If an NFL team fails to prepare for a big game, they will probably come up short. If you fail to put the work in by managing your business by the numbers, you too may come up short.
That’s why you need to think like the G.O.A.T. Work harder and smarter than everyone else and surround yourself with employees who are rockstars and they’ll help you crush it doing what you do.
One of the best partners your business can have is a great accountant. A great accountant will often be the difference-maker that helps your profits really take off…which is ultimately the small business version of holding up a trophy under a shower of Super Bowl-size confetti, isn’t it?
Here are several ways your accountant can help you be more profitable that you might not have considered
- They can see you more than once a year. If you’re only going to your accountant to get your taxes done, you’re not getting the biggest bang for your buck. A good accountant will be available throughout the year to help answer whatever financial questions you have. They’ll keep an eye on your books and check in regularly to let you know how things are going.
- They can be your built-in business advisor. When your accountant is in tune with your dreams for your business, they can offer sound advice to help you succeed. Consider them a part of your advisory board, and don’t hesitate to get their input before making big decisions or investing big dollars.
- They can see your business without emotional distractions. They often see what you don’t. Much like the coaching staff watching the Super Bowl from up in the booth, they can observe your game without all the stress and confusion that often comes from actually being down on the field. A level-headed third party who knows the details of your business and has your best interests in mind can be priceless…especially if they point out costly mistakes before you make them or point out valuable opportunities you might not be aware of!
- They can help monitor your goals and business plans. While your focus is on growing and running your business day-to-day, you often aren’t able to keep track of all the other moving parts behind the scenes. A quality accountant will steadily keep tabs on goals you’ve set for your business. They will help you identify where you’re making progress or where you may need to do some catching up.
- They can be a connection to other professionals. Great accountants know lots of people. Their client base is likely to be varied and valuable, so they are in a great position to be a connection between you and other successful business people who may be a perfect contact for you.
Just about anyone can crunch numbers and balance books, but a great accountant will genuinely care about your business profitability and growth. Because, just like the guys backing up a Tom Brady, they win when you win. (Hopefully over and over and over!)
Patrick Accounting has helped lots of small business owners just like you score big wins, and we’re ready to partner with you. Check us out at to set up your appointment!

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