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What if your accountant could help you make your business more profitable?

March 26th, 2019 | 2 min. read

By Matt Patrick

You don’t have to look far to find people who fail to meet expectations. (Just Google “you had one job” or head over to for a long list of hilarious examples…after you finish reading this post, of course!)

Fortunately, most of the world is populated by dependable people who get up, go to work, and do what it takes to meet the expectations of the people around them. They do what they’re asked to do, they deliver, and they hit their mark every time. And they can be counted on to (gasp!) actually work when they’re at work!

The world is a better place because of ordinary people who make “satisfaction guaranteed” their goal.

At Patrick Accounting, we live and breathe accounting and bookkeeping. Just like nearly 1.4 million other accountants in the U.S. (Thank you, Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

Ready for a surprise, though? Unlike the others…we don’t really want our customers to be satisfied.

In fact, we don’t like it when they are.

Keeping customers “satisfied” is nothing more than the minimum threshold for being able to stay in business!

Imagine that a customer walks away from an encounter with you and meets a reporter who asks for their thoughts on what it was like to do business with you. The customer shrugs their shoulders and says “meh…I’m satisfied.”

You’d better hope they don’t share that glowing review with too many other people, or you’ll have trouble keeping the lights on!

We don’t want to be that company, and we don’t want you to be one either! We’re not satisfied with “satisfied.” We are out to dramatically exceed customer expectations. Anything less than “wow” is just a starting point. And, let’s be honest here, a bunch of accountants crunching numbers and running reports isn’t “wow-ing” anybody.

That’s why, we’re convinced that it’s time for a new perspective on accounting.

What if your accountant did more than:

  • Deliver reports?
  • Keep you out of tax trouble?
  • Avoid nasty surprises?
  • Keep your numbers correct?

What if your accountant could actually help make your business more profitable?!

What if your accountant was more like a business partner–invested in helping you get the most out of your business?

Not all accountants are equal. Some are great at numbers, taxes, and keeping ledgers balanced. But not all of them–in fact, very few of them– understand the nuances of small business ownership.

We do. We love entrepreneurs, and we love watching our clients’ businesses take off! That’s why our firm has recently become certified as Profit First Professionals.

We have a passion to see small businesses thrive, and that can’t happen without strong profit.

A profit-focused accountant will...

  1. Understand the challenges faced by small business owners (We know, because we are and we work with them every day!)
  2. Help you make sense of the numbers–with the heart of a teacher–so you can make better business decisions
  3. Challenge you to think about your numbers–with the heart of a coach–and how they affect your business
  4. Tell you what you need to hear–with the heart of a friend–even when you don’t want to hear it
  5. Guide you toward greater profits

Ready to move beyond “satisfied” with your accounting and bookkeeping?

Tired of run-of-the-mill accountants who see you as another set of numbers and never do the first thing to help you make more money? Here’s what you can do right now:

  1. Click here or to read the first two chapters of the book Profit First, by Mike Michalowicz. [et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]

  2. Then click here to schedule a call with Patrick Accounting to discover more about how profit-focused accounting can help you instantly be more profitable, eliminate debt, and enjoy life with financial freedom.

It’s not hype. It can happen. And we bet you’ll be saying “wow!”