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Top 5 Fears of Switching to a Small Business Accounting Firm

June 13th, 2024 | 5 min. read

By Matt Patrick

top 5 fears of switching to a small business accounting firm

Switching to a new accounting firm can feel like handing the keys of your new car to a valet. They may know how to drive, but can you trust them with your prized possession? 

Accounting is a complex and vital component of your business, and finding a new small business CPA can be daunting. You might worry about their processes being different, whether they will communicate openly or leave you in the dark, and how expensive the transition will be.

At Patrick Accounting, we understand these fears because we've spent 20 years successfully helping numerous businesses make this transition. Our experience reassures us that addressing these concerns can make the change much easier for you.

In this article, we'll discuss the top 5 fears that arise when switching to a new small business accounting firm and offer practical tips to alleviate these worries. 

Fear 1: Is Switching to a Small Business Accounting Firm Really Going to Be Worth It?

Switching to a new CPA can come with a lot of promises and often, a pretty hefty price tag. Especially if you’ve been burnt in the past, it’s normal to be a little skeptical of the benefits of partnering with an accounting firm. However, the right small business accounting firm can offer significant value that outweighs the initial costs and concerns.

Improved Financial Organization  

A good small business accounting firm will get you organized, allow you to feel good about your year-end tax bill, and help you make more money. They’ll do this by consistently providing you with accurate numbers you can rely on to make good decisions in your business. 

Leveraging Expert Guidance and Advice

Small business accounting firms work with growing businesses all the time, so you should be able to lean on their expertise as you continue to scale and manage your business effectively. The right firm will give you timely advice to help you make sure you’re taken care of tax-wise, meaning you’re not missing anything and won’t be wasting money on overpaying taxes. 

Confidence in Compliance and Tax Matters 

As a growing business, you don’t know what you don’t know until you get an IRS notice.
An accounting firm should provide you with the confidence that you are doing everything right, and should an issue arise, be there to support you and guide you on correcting the issue.

They also should help you plan for the unexpected by keeping you in the loop on any tax changes or new compliance requirements you have so that you don’t get blindsided by another thing the government is asking you to do.

Fear 2: How Do I Know I Can Trust an Accounting Firm with My Financials?

Sharing your business financials is definitely a vulnerable act. Thankfully, there are a number of places you can check to see if the firm you are working with is reputable and does what they say they are going to do.

Verify CPA Firm Licenses

If they are a CPA firm, check the State Board of Accountancy in the state they are located to verify their CPA Firm license. Look for a history of complaints or issues with the State Board to make sure they have a clean record.

Check Better Business Bureau (BBB) Ratings

Additionally, you can look them up on the Better Business Bureau site. The BBB provides ratings based on customer reviews and the firm’s history of handling disputes, offering another layer of assurance.

Read Online Reviews

And like any other provider today, check out their Google or Facebook reviews. Taking the time to do your due diligence can give you the peace of mind that your business is in good hands. Reading through reviews can provide insight into other clients' experiences and the firm's reliability.

Fear 3: What If They Won’t Do Things the Way I Want Them To?

Every accounting firm may handle things a little differently. Some will be flexible to do things the way you have always done them, and others are strict about their process.

Understanding Firm Processes

A good small business accounting firm will have a clear service engagement that details everything they will do for you - AND what they won’t do. This transparency helps set clear expectations from the beginning.

Transparency and Flexibility

Additionally, they’ll be transparent in your initial meetings about the ways they can accommodate your preferences, as well as explain why there are certain processes they are more rigid about.

This way, you can both evaluate whether or not the partnership is a good fit without risking surprises in the future.

Fear 4: My Books Are in Bad Shape. Will They Judge Me or Deny Service?

Believe it or not, this is normal. After all, no one would expect a pastry chef to be able to fix cars. 
The same goes for you and your business—if anyone other than a small business accountant has been handling your books, there will likely be some missing details that got overlooked.

Normalizing Financial Disorganization

A good small business accounting firm understands that disorganized books are common and will not judge you for it.
They know that their expertise is needed precisely because managing finances can be challenging for non-accountants.

Evaluation and Reorganization Processes

A reputable accounting firm has processes in place to evaluate, reorganize, and systematize your finances—regardless of their current state.
They will methodically assess your financial records, identify gaps, and implement systems to improve accuracy and efficiency.

Respectful and Supportive Service

While there may have to be some uncomfortable conversations and additional fees to get everything in order, the right firm will always treat you with respect and explain the changes that will need to happen to get your books where they need to be.

Their goal is to support you and enhance your financial management, not to judge your past mistakes.

Fear 5: Is Their Process Going to Make My Life Easier or Just Complicate Things?

Managing the back-office tasks of accounting and payroll takes a lot of work for a growing business. Remembering to file your sales tax, responding to IRS notices, and categorizing every expense—it can be a LOT for anyone to handle.

Reducing Overwhelm

If you’re starting to look for a small business accounting firm, it’s likely because you’re feeling overwhelmed by these tasks. As you consider this next step, it’s natural to be a little fearful of what it would look like to hand off your bookkeeping tasks to someone you don’t know.
But ultimately, a good accounting firm should make your life much easier than it was before.

Shifting the Workload

By outsourcing your accounting, the workload for keeping up with your books, paying employees, and keeping up with compliance is shifted from your plate to theirs.
This allows you to offload time-consuming tasks and reduces the stress of managing complex financial processes on your own.

Long-term Simplification

In the long term, this will simplify your financial processes and keep you from having to make an internal hire. 
Ultimately, working with a small business accounting firm should free you up to focus on what you REALLY care about—running a more successful business.

Want to Build a Better Business?

Transitioning your accounting is serious business, and it's normal to have some apprehension around making the switch. 

At Patrick Accounting, we embody ALL of the accounting firm best practices, because we SERIOUSLY care about helping businesses thrive. No one can run their business in the dark. We know that having the right information at the right time is vital to running a successful business, so we’re committed to guiding you through the things you don’t know and empowering you with an accurate picture of your business so you can feel confident in your decisions moving forward. 

If you’re still unsure whether making the switch is right for you, check out our article on Who is a Good Fit for Patrick Accounting. This will help you determine if our services align with your business needs and how we can help you thrive.